Praeclarus Press
Excellence in Women's Health
Maternal-Infant Safety Conference
​Safe Passage: New Directions in Protecting, Promoting, and Supporting Maternal-Infant Safety

Visit the Conference Home Page

There are a number of current trends designed to promote safety for mothers and infants.  This conference focuses on new findings on maternal and infant safety during labor, birth, and postpartum, and the process of metabolic adaptation as the newborn transitions from womb to world.  Speakers will focus on the role of perinatal professionals during labor, maternal mortality,safety considerations in skin-to-skin contact, and safe infant sleep. This conference is aimed at the experienced perinatal professional, including nurses, childbirth educators, lactation consultants, doulas, midwives, and more.  Continuing education units will be submitted for approval through applicable application processes.  
This event features renowned experts: Suzanne Colson, Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Christine Morton, Debra Pascali-Bonaro, and Salle Webber! 
Download the Conference Brochure Here
Register using the code: PRAECLARUS  and receive a discount on your conference registration
Register using the code: PRAECLARUS  and receive a discount on your conference registration

Safe Passage: New Directions in Protecting Promoting, and Supporting Maternal-Infant Safety

​Atlanta GA, November 12-14, 2014

Register using the code: PRAECLARUS and receive a discount on your conference registration
Event Glide is proud to announce the Maternal-Infant Safety Conference: Safe Passage: New Directions in Protecting, Promoting, & Supporting Maternal-Infant Safety to the newest events within the Women's & Children's Health Series
Event Pricing: Download the Conference Brochure for other details
                                                                                                            Pre-Conference     Conference    Entire Event

Early Bird Rate (Deadline is 4/11/14)....................................................          199.00              399.00           499.00

Standard Individual Rate (Deadline is 10/10/14......................................           249.00             499.00           699.00

Onsite Individual Rate (Starting 10/11/14)..............................................          299.00              549.00          799.00

​**Register using the code: PRAECLARUS and receive a discount on your conference registration