Excellence in Women's Health
Community Support for New Families
Can a community provide support for families with young children?
Yes! Community Support for New Families is your step-by-step guide to creating the kind of organization that will make a real difference in the lives of young families. Jane Honikman has more than 40 years of experience co-founding two organizations that have touched the lives of families all over the world. Be part of the solution. This book will show you how.
"Community Support for New Families provides a goldmine of ideas for anyone moved to undertake an organized effort to strengthen families. There is no other book like it and while Jane Honikman's focus for the last forty years has been on helping parents, I feel that the detailed suggestions she provides can be used as a blue print for all kinds of causes."
Marian Tompson
Passionate Journey: My Unexpected Life,
co-founder La Leche League International
Jane Honikman, M.S., is a Postpartum Parent Support Consultant from Santa Barbara, California. In 1977, she co-founded Postpartum Education for Parents (PEP). She founded Postpartum Support International (PSI) in 1987. She lectures internationally on the role of social support and the emotional health of families.