Excellence in Women's Health
The Gentle Art of Newborn Family Care
Salle Webber has been serving families as a professional postpartum doula in Santa Cruz, California since 1988, and has been a teacher of the gentle art of caring for families with
newborns. She is known for her wisdom, humor, and tender touch with babies and mothers.
Enjoy and learn from this wise, compassionate and humble expert, who has launched hundreds of newborn families over her 25-year career. Using her guidance you can multiply the goodness many times over, and the families you serve will be most grateful.
—Penny Simkin, PT, childbirth educator, birth doula, birth counselor, and author of The Birth Partner: A Guide for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions
I loved the warm feeling I was left with after reading this book…..I wish this amazing resource was available before my wife and I had our first.
—Scott Sherwood, Executive Director, U.S. Lactation Consultant Association
Salle Webber describes simply and eloquently what every doula (and grandparent!) needs to know to be of genuine help to new families….It’s a profound work that I hope will have a great impact.
—Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA, author Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple and co-author of Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers
A gem of a book…..Webber provides a heart-centered model to get families...off to the best possible start.
—Marian Tompson, Founder, La Leche League
International, author, Passionate Journey: My Unexpected Life
The Gentle Art of Newborn Family Care is a complete manual for the aspiring professional doula, and for anyone helping a family after the birth of a child. It is offered with an attitude of reverence for new life, a willingness to offer service, and an understanding of the importance of the quality of a baby and mother’s earliest experiences.